2012 Perodua Alza EZi 1.5
219,211 km
RM 23,800
RM 261 /month
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Inspection Overview Passed

No Major Accident
No Frame Damage
No Flood Damage

Exterior Inspection 22 Detected/53

Body Panels & Bumpers 11
Doors, Hood & Boot 2
Glass & Outside Mirrors 1
Exterior Lights 4
Rims, Tires & Wheels 4
Chassis Or Engine Number Tampered
Chassis Condition
Front Bumper Detected
Paint Peel Off
Front Bonnet Detected
Front Bonnet Support
Front Bonnet Insulator
Right Front Fender Detected
Left Front Fender Detected
Paint Peel Off
Right Front Door Detected
Left Front Door Detected
Rear Bumper Detected
Paint Peel Off
Left Rear Fender Detected
Paint Fade
Right Rear Fender Detected
Paint Fade
Right Rear Door Detected
Left Rear Door Detected
Paint Fade
Rear Bonnet
No Evidence Of Accident
Flood Free Vehicle

Interior Inspection 9 Detected/84

Safety Belts
Audio & Alarm Systems 1
Heat, Vent, Ac, Defog & Defrost 1
Interior Amenities 1
Carpet, Trim & Mats 6
Sunroof, Moonroof, Convertible Top
Windows & Door Locks
Luggage Compartment
Safety Belts

Road Test Inspection 2 Detected/15

Transmission, Transaxle & Clutch
Steering & Brake 1
Engine 1
Transmission / Transaxle Shift
Transmission / Transaxle Noise
Shift Interlock Operation
Drive Axle / Transfer Case Noise
Clutch Operation N/A

Underbody Inspection 4 Detected/23

Fluids 2
Cooling System 2
Electrical System
Exhaust System
Transmission, Transaxle & Differential
Steering And Alignment
Engine Oil Detected
Major Leaking
Transmission/transaxle Automatic Fluids Detected
Minor Leaking
Brake Fluids
Power Steering Fluids
Windshield Washer Fluids
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Someone else has bought the vehicle. Leave your contact details, and we will reach out to you with similar cars.
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